Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I was watch the TV show...n saw someone with the name'll call their child guna...saya berguna ( i'm useful) haha

n I found in Dorlands Medical Dictionary
Guna : [Sanskrit] according to ayurveda, any of the three attributes of the universe & self that compose mind & body
1. sattva : equilibrium
2. rajas : activity
3. tamas : inertia's a beautiful misunderstanding... I didn't know GUNA has such a "chim" meaning...

Friday, May 12, 2006

My changay Name

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?

Sam Li Na --


A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever

'Whose ghost will come back to haunt you?'
Sam Li Na will be haunted by...

King Arthur

To fight all those other ghosts that are haunting you

wow...Damn COOL man...i felt so protected !!! Who wants to be my KING ARTHUR?!!HAHA...juz kiddin ;P

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

IMU Netball Tournament 2006

the Netball Tournament was a success...Kudos to the organising com.
The mixed team consists of sem 1 & 2. and the Sem 2 mixed team won the mixed cat
Girls Cat: Sem4 Rojak team won champion. followed by sem 2,sem 3 and sem 1
more photos at Imu Netballers Yahoo Group

me with irene my teammate aka our referee ( multi-tasking)

beating the sem 1s...

guys ahguaing

mixed netball game

group photo