Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am back juz for a sec

yesh...either i have been busy or i intentionally avoid to blog cuz once i pick up again i can't stop n it will significantly affect my time management during this precious 3 months left...

but juz a quick update..i have been to china, europe, malaysia and back and then started school for almost 3 months.. obviously lotsa things happened...

as for my china europe part you guys could check out which i have neglected once i stepped outta UK..
it's juz like stacking bricks...the bricks are piling up there enough to build a house but yet the architect here has no motivation watsoever to build it. the construction of the house requires huge effort such as organising my thoughts, my experience, my pictures then put them up on web and organise them again....once i have done that i usu can't help myself to read them over and over again to make the fine changes.... how time consuming is it...

so i shall start from when i returned to sydney....

it's all about studying, trying to skip hospital to study and paktohing to put my mind off studying

1. i have done 1 month of geris which i enjoyed alot- luv the team lots as they gave me attention and teaching which i have nv experienced in my previous term even i participated fully.
wonderful high flying regis who likes to eat :D i enjoy the thursday sushi session and the occasional treats as well.

Andrew, Holly, Vivek and Julie

2. 1month of ed, learn alot given the very minimal time i spent there due to exams. the cases are very applicable to sixth year learning and the shifts are flexible. usually i go at 4 pm and leave around 8-9pm. in that way i can have my late mornings and late nights :D

once i m done with exam it's studying with for the finals again....
Again, i will be contemplating how to skip the hospital and get sign off....
this is because i have learnt fr last year that hospital participation took up too much of my time and energy and the learnign is not as efficient as mugging at home.
it may not be true for everyone but this is me...

now i'm at neuro....i would say my participation is very minimal as compared to last year when i bersemangat. Neuro has a very good programme for students. it would be good if this happened during 5th year....but now i 've gotta prioritise - study for exam or participate as a team. obviously i choose the first one

my other social events include
Movie marathon plus east msia laksa sleepover session at jacq's place

Jacq's birthday party

Josh's Wedding
at a very short notice but everything went unscathed :D

Friday, December 12, 2008


Hi Peeps

i have created a new blog address dedicated juz for my elective trip
the address is or click here
soon it will be full of interesting encounters
while i'm here in smoky Cybercafe in China trying very hard to find various ways to back up my pics/video before i got rob ( i have already inhaled like 3 hours of pple's exhalation) :P so that i wouldn't lose all my information.
hopefully i can survive long enuf to blog

i have already uploaded my pics on picasa but will tell ya the address later on

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to contact me if you are desperate!

hey guys,
i'm currently in a cybercafe in China, inhaling all da 2nd hand cig. smokes.
it's been a long time since i last visited CC when i played CS in KL.

as i realised that i have many incoming phone calls on my roaming mobile. but i dont ' dare to pick them up as it will prolly incur a huge cost on yours and my phone bill.

i can't buy a local sim card as my phone is locked for only 3 Mobile Sim as it's a FREE phone.

so if you juz wanna convey a msg, juz send a sms to my mobile
if you wanna hear my voice, you can actually call this number

Malaysia (00)(8620) 36587631
Singapore (001)(8620) 36587631
Australia (0011)(8620) 36587631

i guess you can usually get me at night.
or juz leave me a msg on my email or facebook.

i have to rush back to the Acupuncture clinic soon. they actually have a 2.5 hr lunch break. what a luxury. i will do plenty of retrospective blog posts when i have the time.

Friday, November 21, 2008


juz a scene where ナナ finally made her debut

This is the movie on sisterhood that will touch a girl's heart and guys can never understand.
if a guy understand this movie, he will be labelled by other male species as GAY :P

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Thanks all for the midnight bday wishes on msn , facebook bday wishes, sms bday wishes. thanks jacq and john for plush toy Bladie, candy bracelet & chocs, thanks Imel for Ah Si, Thanks Bro for the 10 day flexi eurail pass, thanks mom, dad and bro for the offline msn bday wish, thank deb for the bday card in transit. last but not least thanks perth for the peaceful ren hana & company. thanks all for making this bday sucha memorable one despite my exam stress.

LOVE YOU ALL (hahaha sorry for being too mushy)

Thursday, November 13, 2008













wow butterflies, how does she know you love butterflies

look i brought u 2 friends

this look like a strawberry

it has ur favorite pearls on it

this is a bunny, sounds like your nickname bun bun

feel how soft are they?!

do you want to give them names

we will call this bun bun

wat do you want to name this?



we shall give them middle names too

this has a flower so we call it bunbun flower

and we can call this raspberry pearls

do you want to taste it?


do you like them?



Monday, November 10, 2008


juz randomly found this girl from china with a powerful voice and can sing guys ' songs relatively well. she is the product of China Talent Show Supergirl 2005 - runner up.
catching up with the Champion. She is packaged as the tomboyish type of girl (same as the Champion)

and this is her new album - NOW WOW. no time to listen but let's hope the production team doesn't mess her up with commercialised songs.

haha of course she sang this 1000X better than F4 >_<

Sunday, November 09, 2008

海角七号 Cape No.7

wanna watch this movie sometime somehow....



“把我淹沒在這台灣與日本的海域,這樣我就不必為了我的懦弱負責。友子,才幾天的航行, 海風所帶來的哭聲已讓我蒼老許多,我心裡已經做好盤算,一旦讓我著陸,我將一輩子不願再看見大海。海風啊,為何總是帶來哭聲呢?愛人哭,嫁人哭,生孩子 哭,想你未來可能的幸福我總是會哭,只是我的淚水,總是在湧出前就被海風吹乾,湧不出淚水的哭泣,讓我更蒼老了。可惡的風,可惡的月光,可惡的海。”

OMG so emo....haha >_<

after watchin the trailer, it's not as emo as i tot

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Light at the end of Tunnel

I like the feel 意境 of this photo :D haha looks like something from the X-file right?!
many people have different interpretations of it
John said this look like the little gal running towards Heaven... (actually she was running away from me :P)
obviously i prefer the X file version :P give it a little bit of SUSPENSE (with the X file music playin in background). u don't know where is the girl goin?She can be disappearing into the 4th dimension or kidnapped by ALIENs. :D

fyi, the little gal inside is not me but my little cousin.
wonder how are she and her sister?
definitely not a very pleasant childhood with separated parents.
why do adults like to play such games and make such mistakes?
something i yet to understand~~
I prefer to make wise decision even tho it means I may take a long time.
and i'm thankful of my parents who sacrifice their freedom by staying together juz to give me and my bro a whole family.













To Make a Difference in People’s Life

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am glad that summer is coming so that i can bring her out more often now.
Yesteray she was in pretty crook mood. didn't wanna talk or watsoever
saying that she wanna die....

so i juz brought her to the sun, did her nails.etc

previous time it was a better experience as she was in a brighter mood, and don't want me to leave. it's always fluctuating huh - shld have stayed longer then.

Kate was right
, previously i felt that there were very few things i could do with her. but Kate told me that it is the quality time. not quantity. Many people will juz pass by and say hello but no one will actually pay one to one attention to her. haha, doing her nails provides tactile stimulation to her, bringing her out to the sun give her strong bones ( the folks seldom go out as it's juz very hard for the nursing staff to cope while they are outdoor ) :D at the same time i can practise my manicure skills :D. Ironically, my nails are not polished. too troublesome for someone like me - have to wash hand so often, have to carry heavy groceries.etc. definitely very hard to maintain :(

aren't they pretty :D
recipe is Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Diamond SHINE Base & Top Coat + Rimmel London 60 Seconds Vinyl Shine Euphoria

occasionally i will change the Vinyl Shine Euphoria to Manicare French Pink.
i think old folks prefer those lipstick bright red color....but then still gotta finish what i bot first.
haha my crash visit to the manicure bar has definitely come in handy now
still think Opi Nail Polish is the BEST !!!

Nov 14 will be her 100th birthday. She is like 100 years and 5 days older than me. :) party at 2:30pm, there will be msg from the queen of England for her. looking forward to the party. no wonder Molly was saying something about the Queen coming and what should she wear and what should she said. i thought she was remembering the past or mayb she did hallucinate. Sister was asking me do i know her niece. Apparently they can't contact any of her relatives. :(, not even the son. rumour is that the son is in nursing home too :S

One interesting thing happened before that. while Molly was having her hair done,i brought another resident around the corridor. she is always in crook mood, agitated, irritatble and CRANKY. I wanna bring her to balcony, she held on to the door and refuse. OK FINE, so i closed the door. Without warning she smacked me on the butt twice and called me a slut ::(... haha if this come from a normal person i will slap the person back. LOL. well i was amused. then she kept telling passer by that i kidnap her and i'm a bad girl.... kept calling out for help. but the people are juz used to her being lidat. haha
luckily Molly is not like that. :D

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Train Story

The train man...
Human is still the most trustable being in some aspects...

Seatless compartment
this picture was taken in a standing position.... prolly not becuz the photographer thinks that this angle is better. in fact this pic is better if it's taken from a lower level...

i think the photographer feels the same as the more dress up lady on the right.... they all have the consensus that the floor is too dirty to be seated :P
or if you wanna think in a more pessimistic way is that they are too posh to put themselve down to the same "level" as others
without seat doesn't mean it's not good. u can sleep without "fishing" all da time (yx can tell u about that), you can lay a newspaper infront of you and peel the pees w/o bending under the seat to pick up the fallen peas. you can juz pile all ur belongings/crops into a mountain. infact seatless is more practical in this situation.

haha....i think i have fallen prey to the general population of photographers who like to shoot the poverty and sufferings of people....and display in a gallery and let urban audiences exlaim in awe how beautifully exotic & emotional the pictures are and then claim the prize of some photography contest. Something is juz not right here....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Colour Blindness

I think this hand belongs to X'tine, the baby was random :D
haha mayb the mom was dozing off at the back while the baby was playing with some stranger who was potentially a paedophile.
Jokes andHygiene aside, this is a beautiful picture
I like how the toddler is like a little cub that is unaware of the potential danger lurking around,
accepting love from someone. (you don't see that often in paeds ward, the kids are always too alarmed *_*)

or we can say that this kid is "colorblinded", expanding from this
so is being racist =being too alarmed/aware? afraid that the other more superior/inferior race may jeopardise your current status/safety? if not, why people bother to be racist at all.... it's all back to the explanation of personal benefit.

i am not a political social science student so this is certainly not my forte and definitely no publishable analysis here..... but these are the small little things that you come ax so often in life. Thus the name: University of Society. 社会大学 Everyone is the undergraduate :D learning to be a better person day by day.
and there is the constant exam/test/tutorial but never a graduation ceremony *_*(luckily MBBS is not like that else i'll pengsan- we need a pitstop somehow, isn't it?!)

the ColourBlindness of young kids
this Nationalistic Commercial for malaysia national day tries to bring across the message to the adults who has too much historical societal burden on them. i just think it's ironic altogether as things are neva that simple.....

This is what you called propaganda..... >_< Nevertheless it's still a cute commercial

Friday, October 10, 2008

People Relation Case Scenarios

Case Scenario 1- Judgemental ?!

Over dinner, A made a remark that becuz B told A his unpleasant experiences with C. it sorta affect A's judgement towards C and even had hindered his interaction with C but in actual fact as time goes by A realised C is not as bad as what B depicted him as

B explained that he juz wanna share his true experience with A so that A will be aware of things around. B chose to share his experience openly to A reason being he considered A as a long time friend. However, now B is guilty about what he did and if he knew it would have such repercussion - he would choose not to say anything instead.

B also tried to explain to A that people tend to have different experience towards a same individual giving a very good eg of their experiences with P, so that similar situation would not happen next time.

Case Scenario 2 - Overpowering

Sometime go, D has told Z about Y being too overpowering by snatching up opportunities (too domineering in short). Z was quite upset that D told him that now Z is the one too overpowering in the current projectwork. Z didn't expect himself to becoming like Y.

Z didn't reply to D on the spot when the remark was made as he felt that he was not in a coherent mind to reply and he may not give an answer that he actually meant. the conversation could turn heaty anytime. Z already realised the problem beforehand but as he had done a similar project. THus he felt a strong urge to take a leading role and improve on the current project.

Case Scenario 3 - Inconsideration

G mentioned that J has not been getting along well with quite a few people.
both of them have quite different point of view towards dealing with people

J: it's hard to please everyone so he rather please himself to make life easier for himself
G: prefers to please others, and he will be happy when others are happy even that means he has to swallow whatever shit that comes to him.

G: will consider the other's feelings when doing something in the sense that "what would himself feel if other pple treat him this way" while J tries too hard to not losing out. he oso thinks that J wants reciprocal treatment: eg when he treat someone nicely he would expect the same thing back.

J: agrees with G about feeling for others and didn't realise he appeared to be too straightfoward and inconsiderate to G. and lastly who the hell like losing out and don't like reciprocal treatment.

J think that G may not know him well enuf to pass a judgement like that.

so is J too stubborn in this case? or is G too judgemental?
who do you agree with? or disagree with.

What do you think of each of these characters? Have similar scenarios happenned to you before? do you have a solution to them? welcome any input :D

Sunday, October 05, 2008



















她的民族, 以辛勤为名,以辛勤而活



这独特的气质是如千金小姐, 时时躲避大太阳的我无可比拟的











坐在一棵倒下枯死的树桐,专注的用他的SLR 捕捉大自然与人的沟通



哈哈, 他万万没想到他摄猎者也有这一天吧



认真的男人是最有魅力的. 我四肢举起同意 ^0^

Saturday, October 04, 2008

小情歌 little Love song

Random Couple Strolling Along one of the Sabah beach, towards the sunset 2006
wonder how are they now.................

我想我很快樂 當有你的溫熱 腳邊的空氣轉了

我想我很適合 當一個歌頌者 青春在風中飄著
你知道 就算大雨讓整座城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱
受不了 看見你背影來到
寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷
就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑
逃不了 最後誰也都蒼老
寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡

你知道 就算大雨讓整座城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱
受不了 看見你背影來到
寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷
就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑
最後誰也都蒼老 寫下我
時間和琴聲交錯 的城堡

~ by 蘇打綠 Sodagreen