Saturday, March 31, 2007

St Vinnies

St. Vinnies is a big hospital. everything juz lies along the street. It consists of Private Hospital, Private clinic, Public Hospital(Xavier building), Public Clinic(in public hospital), deLacy Building (where clinical school is in), Radialogy Clinic, Sacred Heart (the Palliative Hospital which share the same building as radiology clinic).

Over here, they have excellent support for cancer patiens. They have specialised palliative care unit which i wonder is it the same in Malaysia.

The oldish building is deLacy building (the old building where the wooden staircase creaks), The newer one is Xavier building where the hospital is. The building at the top right is Sacred Heart Hospital specialised in Palliative Care. There is a small park infront of the hospital where people will laze there during lunch time.
We have our tutorials in deLacy building (where the clinical school is). The man in the center is our course tutor. Prof Sam Miliken, a hematologist. Beside teaching, he is working in the hospital too as a consultant. He will be marking our assignments. in the photo he is definitely bending down while i'm definitely tiptoeing. The Angmoh guy leaning back on the chair is Jamie ( kinda blur guy), the one in yellow T is Tim (who cycles to hospital everyday, he stays near us, he's very fit and plays Rugby for UNSW), Both of the Angmo's dads are doctors whom Prof Miliken knows of. The Asian guy is Jeremy, a Australia born Vietnamese, The Chinese Gal is Clara who migrated from HK but raised in AUst, The Angmo gal is Stacey who is originated fr NZ and marry a asian guy and has a baby d. Justine, another Angmo gal didn't come for class so don't have her pic. The gal in blue is Sarah, my IMU fren.

Again, routinely this week, i went to the hosptal online system to search for potential patients for next week presentation. i came across this man who either did or goin to do ERCP so i suspected he has bowel or liver related diseases. (btw, it wld be nice to see ERCP too :D). i went to him but he sorta rejected me subtlely( he said he had already had a 1 hr session with another student) DAMN!!!! :( u see what's the problem now!!! but he agreed to talk to me tomorrow. but tomorrow i have classes the whole day which means i have go to hospital really early to catch him b4 those classes....BTW, i still stay and chat with him. He was sketching something on the sketch i started asking about his interest...Later on, he began to draw a portrait of me.
He kept westernising me...... ( he realised that too) so i told him my eyes are smaller, my forehead is higher, my nose not that small. (he's a artist) He said he has trouble drawing Asian but everything comes with practise. Anyways, Good Attempt though ;D (especially when i keep talking and moving)

Do you know St. Vinnies is like a Private Hospital. The hospital is new, fully equipped, at most 4 beds a room, and the view is simply magnificent in any of the wardrooms.

Oh i progressed on my assignment i realised i have missed out so many things.... but my pt has discharged d...luckily i have his email....that's my only lead to him. hopefully, he's not too sick to check his email... or else i'll have to trace him to his house. sometimes it's so hard to ask so many questions technically in clinical setting like we used to in IMU with the SP, you know. it's like dealing with human being...more than just the disease. sometimes attention and focus will be diverted....sometimes you just don't feel like further probing into the problem. (especially when you are just a student....but not their doctor whom they are obliged to report to)

Pray Hard that my pt will 1) check his email 2) willing to answer my questions.

Bridge walk

it's the Big Day 18th March....The 75th Anniversary of The Sydney Harbour seems like every old and young also join this event. Angmohs juz like this kind of noisy and crowded event. the blind, the old, the young, the aborigines, the international students (like us), the passionate couples (who kissed on the bridge).etc all came together. The last time it was opened to public to walk was 5 years ago. we are kinda Lucky as we get to walk it on our first yr here.

Too bad the weather was abit cloudy so the photos appear a bit the dark.... We took the double storey train from the Railway Central through the bridge to the North Sydney where we started our walk. the walk slot was half an hour but we took 1 hr to finish it as we stopped to take lotsa photos. our walk ended with a drizzle. actually the bridge was opened fr 10am onwards to late evening. we were supposed to register but on the day even the unregistered pple oso join in the fun. Those who came ealier are given lime green cap while those came late in the evening are given bright orange cap with a cute little light bulb on top. we didn't get any as the weather was perfect....neither too hot or too dark.

There is this part of the bridge ( towards the end near the city) on the metal bar between the two concrete pillar. there are lotsa wind chime hanging there....everyone just stopped to listened to the surreal chime of the wind.


There is also this old lady on wheel chair who is treated like a bridge celebrity as she parade through as she walked the bridge when it just opened 75 yrs ago. PEOPLE JUZ LUV TO TAKE PHOTOS WITH HER.

I am doin fine in the far so good. everyday juz attend tutorials and floating around to look for potential patients for my presentation and assignment. It's like a fight for patients in hospital among the year 4, year 6, the residents/registrars who have to do exams too. the patients with " Good PRESENTATION" will be so burnt out and fed up at the end of day....( especially they juz had operation or under some treatment). everyone juz repeat the same old questions eg. " so do u have any pain & what kind of pain is it?" which they have to answer so many times. i have this weird idea....why don't they just print out those details and paste it infront of their bed. BINGO!!! that will do everyone good!

so my case for this week is a lady who juz had a right hemicolectomy who refused to ans further qn and my potential assignment pt is one with Liver Cancer due to Hep B/C scarring who luckily is a pleasant dude who can speak clearly and answer most of my qn. i even got his email to keep in touch. THanks for recommendation fr Dr D. Mark ( one of our tutorial teacher in the clinical sch) whom i juz randomly bump into one morning during his clinic time. (hehe...he seems like the kind of casual dude who trying to play a lil' cheat and get away with the DRESS CODES RULES like us in IMU by wearing dark color jeans. Just Kiddin :D)

more sydney adventure

We DON'T HAVE written exams!!!! anymore. for this year, we will be spending 2 months for each course (4 courses for this yr) eg. ageings & endings , Health maintenance, Society and health, Beginnings Growth and Development. So our only assessment for each course is WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT !!!. which you can take time and write but i think to score is harder than written exam (which u can score by simply mugging hard). i think to mark those assignment is quite subjective too. basically what we need to write in the assignment is about: a long history of a patient, following up his case, what we have learnt and reflections, and have we achieve the 8 capabilities (like those 8 outcome in malaysia) and explain how we achieve them, also there are specific list of subject which we can choose from to focus, eg. the investigations or the society effect blah blah blah. All these will sum up to 2000 words.

at the end of yr, we will have the ICE(intergrated clinical exam) something like OSCE but they expect you to know more ( of course) they will ask impromptu questions. also we need to hand in portfolio of what have we been doin for this year.

the ICE and portfolio has greater weightage. Here their grading is P+, P, P- and fail. getting HD (high distinction) for your overall will earn you Honours which ofcourse may give you some edge in employment stage the Resident, Allen who has been very helpful to us in St Vinnes says, there's always a way around (HD is not a must)

So enjoy my pictures..... :D

To mom: hehe now u can see how do my place look like.
Clock wise from top left:
-My room: 2 weeks ago
-Outside my apartment
-the slope of middle street, which I have to climb to get back home from Anzac Parade. (scary huh)
-I wonder who will stand on the wall.
-The view from my room.
-From Kennedy Street to my apartment is another steep slope again :P Imelda and landlord in the foreground.
-Unsw library building from my place backlane.
*Over here, sometimes you will see a pair of shoes tie together by shoe laces hanging over the cable (or maybe some other stuff, who knows?) around your place….hehe great sabotaging.

I was always confused by their taxi and police car. Aren’t they alike?
Anzac Parade is just a slope (downwards) from my place. It has lotsa Asian restaurants and minimarket.
I can take any 39 bus to the city and St Vinnies Hospital ( Ya, they call it St Vinnies instead of St Vincent)

I don’t have much photos of UNSW.
I can assure u UNSW is much bigger than that
1.On the top left is the space in front of the medicine and medical sciences
2.The quadrangle lawn in front commerce building where there were 2 girls sitting. Lot of people will gather there during school days,read, eat , talk or SLEEP on the lawn.
3. The Uniwalk towards Anzac Parade
4. The Commerce building
5. Lawn infront of Medicine
6. Quadrangle at another angle.
7. Why is law building so NICE?!!! 
Kensington campus is divided into Upper and Lower Campus literally. To go to Upper campus you need to climb up slopes and stairs along the way. Not too bad though.

What we have been cooking and eating out.

-Eating at Big johns ( did u open it john? And why do u call urself big john?).
-Restaurant here serve plain water in glass bottles like that.
-Lotsa Asian Restaurants along Anzac Parade, got Honey wok , Shanghai Noodle shop. -Portion is very big, can share btw 2 for one Food ave like meal.
-We made sushi and soba at Jac’s place. A very filling meal.
-We had a pot luck at sarah’s place
-Aporto is a popular Portugal fast food chain in Sydney.

15th day of lunar new year. We had dinner at Jacqueline’s place. Jac’s john ( not steph’s john :P)
John is the main chef of the day. Cooking all his Hongkie Style Dishes. Not a bad attempt. I especially like the one with Mushroom and Dark Sauce. Got omellete, Touxi Pork, Luncheon meat, Cauliflower.etc. It is a damn filling meal. With desserts after that: tang yuan, soya and longan jelly, lemon tea toast and fruits. Didn’t manage to fry the nian gao due to some incident ( the fire alarm went off due to excess smoke from the inappropriate way of frying).

Instead we fried it on the Sushi day. I made it the Big Aunt’s way. I still remember last time she used popiah skin to wrap the nian gao slices and fry them. So I do the same. Bought popiah skin from asian minimart. Use egg white as the glue to stick the skin. Hehe, the result: golden crispy nian gao popiah.

Group picture from left: me, yonxian, Imelda, jac, john, Sandy and boyfriend, Andra with Kevin at the back. John, Jac, Sandy and Boyfriend, Kevin are all Civil Engineering Graduates. Andra is a Interior Architectural student whom Kevin is interesting in ( I guess :P)

We accompany Jac to Paddington to seek inspiration for her assignment ( some Abstract Space Thingy) near COFA
We took the COFA bus (COFA = college of fine arts) of UNSW fr Wallace Wurth Building (med fac building)
This is the bus I take every day to St Vinnies. It take around 20 min to reach Cofa campus. And it’s 10 min walking distance to St Vinnies.Most importantly, it's FREE. over here 10 bus trips cost around Aus23 dollars ( if you buy the prepaied Travel 10 ticket)
we went to some path and grass infront of the Army Barracks. Took quite a lot of Artsy Fatsy Photos.

There’s this one weekend night , jac and john brought us to city and we walk around the street and the Famous Darling Harbour. It’s like the Clark Quay of Singapore wit lotsa pubs and disco but it’s 10X nice. No pic as it’s quite hard to take one at night. It’s like combo of smaller version of klcc park + clark quay + mini version of Sydney harbor bridge and ships and yatch along the harbor+ lotsa hot chicks in spaghetti strap empire cut short dress and high heels. ( all of them dress the same)

I went for the city tour organized by the the Malaysian Society. The committees are all very friendly & warm people which u expect them to be ( just like those people who have come back from overseas). Which add on to my doubt of “ why is UNSW medical students or maybe australians not as friendly and warm as I thought angmoh would be.
Clock wise from top left: Central Station. QVB, Their Monorail, Hyde park ( lotsa pigeons), City Central, Sydney town hall (where we are goin to meet the Lord Mayor), me at the railway station bus stop- a modern architecture of metallic and glass that incorporated the spirit of the nature: earth, air blah blah blah.etc ( didn’t have the full pic of it) , the junction where all the cars will stop at the same time from all directions and you can juz walk to anywhere. Eg diagonally. Cool right!

QVB = Queen Victoria Building. Heard that it’s owned by Malaysian. How could that be? It’s like a Landmark of the City. Why is Malaysian owning it….Gotta find out more about it. The building is a classic: carpeted, sculpted, painted glass,posh. The clock will ring at a certain interval. There are grand pianos at every level which will play by itself at certain time. It’s like the classic version of hmm….Starhill Gallery. There is a sculpture of QV in front of the building….and it’s along the George St.

Last Sunday, we went to Maroubra Beach. Jac Said it’s less crowded here than the more famous Bondi Beach. I have been to Redang, Desaru, Sentosa Island, Manukan Island, this is the nicest beach I have ever seen, (pardon my limited exposure to beach)
The sand is not as soft and white as some beach. But I like the place: long stretch of beach, clear blue sky, cool breeze, some houses and cliffs at the background. Got surfing hunks too. Not much chicks though ;D

Gonna go for the SYdney Harbour Bridge 75th Anniversary Celebration in city later. We have signed up for the bridge walk at the 6-630pm slot. the weekend after i register, the spaces finished d. There's gonna be a big crowd and they open the bridge for people to walk through the whole day. so we gonna take a train to north sydney and walk to THE ROcks at the south sydney.

Will post picture soon once my internet connection is ready in around 1 week time. ciao.

in sydney

i had a nice holiday at home for almost 1.5 months... i enjoyed CNY too...get lotsa farewell AngPOws too from uncles and aunties...heehee
on the fateful day of 21st feb family n my cousin, sijie accompany me to spore...
haha, my mom only found out 2 days b4 that her passport already expired but then cny she can only rush to the office on 21st itself in the early morning to do...luckily she has turned into senior citizen so can get passport on the same day. she did it w/i 2 hrs....
we went to mt faber near sentosa's so nice....everything is so artificialLy nice. i mean the trees and plants,the palm tree on the mt, the flowers along the road...looks like they purposely made it that way (unlike our all naturale fraser hill and genting). i wonder why they nv call it mt fraser cuz it is definitely higher than mt faber. but the view is superb lah....u can see the city from there....
the gal in white is my cousin sijie. anyone interested pls tell me.....
later on, we went to vivo city (the biggest shopping center) to have dinner at KimGary....i know Wayne hates it....but apparently my bro & colleague is FASCINATED by it cuz it's the 1st & ONLY one in spore.
then rush to airport...manage to do some last min arrangement to my baggage. though i'm only allowed to check in 20 kg on qantas for normal ticket ( i shld i have bought the student ticket which allows 30kg & of course more ex) but the counter lady let me go with 28 kg. Though my handcarry is only allowed for 7kg...i bet i have almost 10 kg in it too ( i bought the normal duffel bag but the trolley type)...i bet my backpack weigh like 7 kg too and my laptop bag weigh more than 5 kg....hehe so all together.... it's BLOODY HEAVY 50 KG.....can u imagine...i was still wearing 3 layers of clothing ( to save the weigh) : 1 spag, i knitted red top and 1 blue jacket....sweatING like hell.....
i did some picture kanchong i forgot to hug my parents....... next time i shld take my time lah..... enjoy and relish the moment.... was entertaining relatives more than my own family....: ( *SOBZ*

the plane was punctual be it departure or arrival.
imel said it's the first time she doesn't feel huge ( admist the huge angmoh)
as for me.....i was trying to ask some angmoh at some school activities booth...i have to repeat a few times for him to get his attention....i felt that he can't see me lah.....
i didn't have a good sleep as i watch the prestige on board slept for 2 hrs then they start serving breakfast at bloody 4 am spore time something...then i can't sleep anymore... start watching Babel and b4 i can finish the plane landed
1st day wasnt' productive
1) can't get student id cuz we haven enrol at the med fac reception...( i tot i already enrolled online ! apparently medicine abit diff lah) and we have to wait till monday to get student id 2) scouting for phone but didn't register as doesn't have bank statement3) looking online, goin to places to see accomodation but didn't really get to inspect one.... and still don't know where shld we stay.... LOST.....4) cldn't think well cuz my head spinning & paining fr the lack of sleep
imel's fren's (jacqueline) place is damn nice 450 perweek for a modern spacious 2 room unit, 2 floors one... at mascot...quite far fr sch though.
the guys playin PS, guy in red is kevin another one is John (Jac's bf)
the gal in grey is Jac and it's Imel stickin her tounge out while reading some room deco mag
jac's housemate fr kl, kevin, chauffeur us around in the day b4 he went for work
jac's hongkiebf brought us to eat at some hongkie restaurant....4 pple we order 3 plate of dish + rice ( foodave style ) but all damn big portion. each plate 6.60 . considered quite cheap bah.

*bear in mind every price i mentioned is in aussie dollars.
doze off at 11pm something...promise myself that tml shld settle most of the things with a fresh mind.....
INDEED....THE 2ND DAY is an ULTRA DAYjust when we think that it's bleak & desperateto get a decent accomodation and we r gonna spend lotsa time running around like clueless chicken.
Right at the small entrance of the school....something fresh & green on the fence caught my's a renting advertisemet in MANDARIN man!!! (haha, only i can read mandarin ! guess the landlord want it to be exclusively mandarin speaking population) apparently we are the first to tear down the phone number. made a call immediately...we get to inspect the unit in 1 hr time.... skip the mafan calling the real estate agent and arrange for inspect appointment part. ( the real estate agent here so damn lazy, they only set a 15 min - 30 min time each week for u to view the particular unit. if u miss that time.... u have to wait till next week if it's still available)
over Here has damn lotsa real estate agents and all different small shops of different names...unlike in malaysia u see the same few brands every where. i haven really been to the city though.
We found a place!!!
very near to uni it's at 5 min walk fr uni
but around 15 min walk fr the main rd bus-stop to my place(go back home is upslope but to main rd is downslope so u know will have some difference) die lah. i was abit unlucky in the sense that i got posted to the St Vincent hospital in the city for 1 yr instead of the Prince of Wales right next to the school...hence i need to travel most of the time....but i guess everything has its own reason, pros & cons.
address: 6/26 Kennedy Street, Kingsford NSW 2032, Sydney Australia.

3 room unit ( modified fr 2 bedroom unit), 1 bathroom
kind of small but good location...view dam good cuz it's on a small hill. the building itself is around 5 m higher than the road and i'm stayin on the 3rd floor. can see the school building. my room is facin the beach got cool breeze...can see lotsa low houses. no lift lah...climb stairs
430 per week but we decided to split the rent according to the room size( not body size). me , imel, and m104 lilian are sharing. i get the smallest room so rent around 130.
8 weeks rent: 1040

Some details of my landlord: chinese guy fr shanghai, middle age ( whom i have difficulty recognising his gender on the phone). very efficient.. speaks very fast but can communicate well with we gals...i think he chose us as we are 1) neat gals, 2) students 3) studying medicine
as he does have many other interested pple in hand ( very fast w/i 1 day after he pasted his advert). though abit ex lah but he throw in a free dryer and washing machine. no fridge provided though.

my no is 61430510775 if u call fr other country. note it down incase u need to contact me urgently.
i got a red color sony ericsson fr the THREE service provider ( why is it call 3, think it's bcuz it only sells 3G phone so i wonder if someone comes out with 4G technology.... shld they change their brand too?!)

my NEW PHONE and some pictures taken on the 1st day we arrived. the gal in the background is lilian our another hm.
on right most is me and imel in the 24 dollars cab to mascot (only took 13-20 min)
another one is me in my room to be
the rest i took on my way to mascot in the cab

went to the COLES market. thanks for Jac who chauffeur us aroud. 3 of the housemate got a car each. :D shop for some groceries as we plan to cook, the fruits and vege all look so clean and nice and appealing....even the bananas oso so big and clean

i wonder why not golden pig since it's the year of pig?
tml's plan, shall tour around and get some furniture...can shift in by this weekend... hopefully my room will be cheap & stylish at the same time....can u imagine IKEA is the cheaper option here.....OH MY... (ikea is the expensive option in msia) * that's wat i heard lah
Ciao....need to catch my BEAUTY SLEEP.


John said...
eh if ur doing ur photoshop bunch of pics thg, dont distort the pics la, very weird looking. Also the font color doesnt come out well.

Kim gary SUCKS!!! just like all the other honky cafes.
s@m said...
hey. don't be so picky lah... i where got time to scrutinise my artwork picture good enuf d lah.
This is my promised long awaited post. before you proceed and look at tonnes of picture. Here is what i gotta tell you about my curriculum.

cut hair

i have my hair cut...look much nicer now...cut away all the dry, entangled, splitted ends. the end of my hair used to be at T 10 now it's at T5. comb also faster now....

Plan shall always be plan

i wonder why someone can update his/her blog for 9 times in a day?
i have encountered a problem....i try to copy those AVSEQ file from video cd and burn into another cd...but nero will say some are not video format and will encode it later with video encoder...however when i start burning...the process will turn out faulty. what shld i do leh?
FYI...i haven started typing my notes...haven finish packing... plan shall always be JUZ PLAN

the best is yet to come....

John said...
Wow nice pic thingys.. Lina u hv so much free time!! im jealous.
portilosopra said...
yup lo ... got so much time ... no need to bring more pad ah ?
portilosopra said...
NIce pic... photoshop skilll ... got so much time to design ? no need to find more time to buy pad ?
s@m said...
What's with the PAD thingy again?!!!!



Dear member of staff/ student,

I wanted to share with you this letter which I sent yesterday to the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald in response to the editorial which you may have seen published in that Newspaper on the morning of February 7th. To date it has not been published but I would like you all to see it.

Letter for publication

As your editorial of the 7th February states, it is University of New South Wales policy that donors’ remains are treated with the utmost care and respect. This is why, when the University was notified, under protected disclosure, of events alleging mishandling of human body parts in the Surgical Skills Unit, immediate action was taken to close the operation of the unit; notify the Department of Health and conduct an internal investigation which has led to ongoing disciplinary action against several staff members. Certain allegations were referred to the police, who report that they were unable to find sufficient evidence that these incidents occurred to lay charges.

Most of the content of your editorial either distorts the truth or is factually incorrect. In particular, claims that the supervisor brought allegations of “gross misconduct” to the attention of senior management are untrue. There has been no cover up, lying or scapegoating as alleged in your editorial. The University of New South Wales has acted expeditiously in the public interest and in the interest of its staff and especially those staff members who brought these matters to the attention of senior management. The University is also holding those staff members who were entrusted with the management of this facility accountable under appropriate disciplinary processes.

The University of New South Wales takes its guardianship of bodies donated for the purpose of teaching and research very seriously. This message must be getting through to the general public as we have had an increase in enquiries from people wishing to donate their bodies for this purpose in the last 48 hours.

Peter J Smith


Faculty of Medicine


hehe...i rebonded my hair again !!! ( only top half of my head) and i'm on the first day of the not to wash hear for 4 days regime. a lil bit itchy now....heck it...gonna wash it on the 3rd day. HOPE it wldn't turn out bad shape....

yesterday i went to sing K at City Square Neway with Stanley. also found out that can open a australia ANZ account from RHB bank but the person in charge say don't need so mafan....can open there...i guess they don't wanna do more work lah....

i plan to finish packing by this weekend. next week is spring cleaning day... YOU KNOW....CNY IS COMING
i have a great plan which i doubt i can finish...i plan to type my notes into computer (or course selectively) so that i dont have to bring them physically overseas..... SO MAYB NEXT FEW DAYS U WLDN'T SEE ME ONLINE... DON'T MISS ME.

my face is really in bad mom made me do a homemade natural....cucumber + honey Mask...i ended up lying on sofa wearing a shower cap and with newspaper around my neck...damn ugly...i took a photo of myself.....if this blog is too cold or something...hiak hiak...i may consider putting it up to scare u all.... (imagine me with crush cucumber on my face !)

hehe...not long ago i took passport photos and nowadays those shops have gone i was given a cd of my u all know me....of course i wldn't let this chance off again to....PHOTOSHOP MYSELF !!!!!!


Wayne タン。チェン。ウエイ  said...
hey , looks different . i think the photographer use photoshop to change ur pic . make u skin looks like after using SK 2
John said...
yeah looks different already la, hair so straight somore. The 1 on the right looks better i think.
John said...
oh ok.. after seeing the big version, left is better. small pic distorted la.
honga said...
the mouth part very different, angmoh see liao sure like u this kind of girl one, "@honlim guaranteed"
St€ph said...
Waaah LiNa your lips very pouty leh. Hahah~! Which tool did you use to photoshop your pic? I also want to learn
s@m said...
no lah...i photoshop myself one
the one on the left is photoshoped d.
basic tool loh. healing tool,red eye tool, clone stamp takes abit of effort and time. btw, the picture was taken b4 i rebonded cuz my hair now is flat and ugly.
John said...
i didnt know they had a "big eye tool" haha

Singapore trip


so so so sorry for not able to attend to this blog due to various factors...
juz tell ya my trip to singapore last weekend

  • To my horror, i forgot how to resize photo in ADOBE!!! anyone pls help me?!!!! i remember it was so easy. juz click and drag but i can't seem to find that now....DIE. actually very easy lah,,,,i juz found out juz press CTRL- T can d...thanks to JAY :)
  • Microsoft Vista has just launched…who’s interested to be the guinea pig? ( I think I’m talking bout myself). The environmentalist are worried that Vista will cause how? pple change their chips and Motherboard for the new OS and these stuff contain poisonous stuff like PVC, barium and cadmium.etc (u know , health issues!!!)

Friday 26th Jan

First i met my fren at DhobyGaut and we visited the newly renovated Singapore Museum. It's so worth it u know...especially when u pay student price $7.50. they have the history gallery, the Maria Theresiae Gallery and the Innovative Gallery. No photos cuz I left my batteries charging at home, my friend didn't bring memory too bad.... i think spore museum is definitely worth it to go... you will be given a ipod like thingy with earphones (electronic guide) and you juz need to enter the numbers indicated at the diff corners of the galleries and also the numbers beside the artefacts...there'll be illustrations on the screen of the ipod n also cool or mayb I m juz SUAKU

Maria Theresia (queen of Austria) Gallery showcases all the luxurious stuff in the palace ( the dining set, clothes, chest, table, jewelleries, bible, Paintings (family portraits).etc. the portraits are the most ex one. She has lotsa daughters and she conquer edmany lands not by war but by marrying her daughters to the various kings… so intelligent.

mariatheresia copy
after eating dinner at thai express and strolling around at Plaza Singapura, i parted with my friend and went over to clark quay to meet my bro.
It’s been a long time since I came to CLARK QUAY. Oh my, it’s so happening now. Last time I came it was juz a meager amount of pubs along the river and construction site at the back. It seems like all the Night Owls have gathered here now


there's this pub called " The Clinic"
They serve their drinks like that...(like a drip)
You can see the's like a hospital bed with wheels..and the curtains

the entrance to its restaurant is like a morgue.... with a dissecting table and those operating lights right at the ntrance. The secrete entrance to upstairs dining area is actually formed by 4 freezer compartment.



Upstairs the chairs are wheelchair…HAH!what a joke…

The restaurant section is called Au (Gold) don't know why?

Some pple may say: aiyo…Pantang lah! but…it’s so packed & crowded (who cares) It’s ultimate COOLNESS to us the Y GENERATION.


Me, my bro and his colleagues.


The thing which I don’t know wat’s called but it’s suspended by 2 elastic band and the pple are projected up and down l in a round cage like thing.

PS: sigh…I bought the DICOTA laptop sleeve for $40 at SIMLIM and later I reallise that POPULAR bookstore have tones of similar ones (memory foam) goin as cheap as $ 15…. That’s the most unhappy event of my trip to Singapore…kena cheated… :X


In the day I bought a pair of NEWbalance sports shoe. + a Nike Shoe bag + 3 Socks = $123 at Queensway shopping center ( if you still can remember it). Forgot to take a pic of it…will post later

You see har, the problem is as you buy something…the guy will push you to buy another thing…in the end like no discount like that…aiyo the shop owner ah really can’t resist him…he’s like you buy this lah…new year GONG XI FA CAI blah blah blah. OH MY L

Rush back to Potong Pasir, my bro’s newly rented masionette style flat ( double storey), changed and rushed to Harbour Front ( the MRT station nearest to Sentosa)….Remember last time we went was Harbour Front shoppin center now it’s being “replaced” by the newly opened the so called Biggest Shopping Centre in Spore “ VIVO CITY” ( they said it’s bigger than SUNTEC city) oh my….it’s so messy inside…can’t find the carpark got lost….i think the design layout is bad or mayb it’s juz that I’m not familiar with it….

Hey remember last time when we cycled in Sentosa Island there were plenty of road blocks and construction sites here & there. It’s actually a project for LRT to the island. Now….you can take the LRT to Sentosa from the VIVO CITY( not by bus anymore) so convenient now.

Ya it’s the LUSH party that we are attending, taking place at the SILOSO beach. The beach where we rent our bicycles.


Wow! the atmosphere was superb. The night scence at the opp quay, the cooling sea breeze. The unlimited lounge (whatever u call that) music, the soft sand, the sofa chair,the free flow chivas…the bikini babes hehe…


Ya, the bikini babes on the beach are mostly either the FHM girls next door or the Waitresses….


Me, my brother, my bro’s colleague, my bro’s colleagues gf , my bro’s colleague friend, my bro’s colleagues’ friend’s friend and so on…… :PIMG_2919

They actually have photographers goin around taking your photos and you can collect it later for FREE!!! ( unlike the stupid Genting!)

I think you guys wish that you are the menu leh….hiak hiak…



Last time I brought you all to the Alexander Garden Hawker center opposite Queensway Shopping centre. This afternoon my bro and I went to the “ more famous” Macpherson hawker centre walking distance fr my bro’s place. Why is it more famous? Hmmm….i think it’ s becuz it has more media exposure leh…it’s like if you didn’t paste newspaper cutting recommending your stall or TV hosts introducing your stall…you lak seh lah ( lose to other pple d) Quite an amount of stall have the Victory Pasting at their stalls.

We ate the frog porridge. Porridge was nice in consistency. The frog meat was served in the Claypot with some sorta sweet and dark sauce. Later we drank the turtle soup ( my 1st time). Yum. Heard that it’s good for skin. The skin (of the turtle) look like the whiter version of sea cucumber.(so as the consistency)

meet up with another fren of my at the Orchard…walk around n bought some stuff. Still think that things in ISETAN, TANGS, TAKASHIMAYA or wateva are not my price range. I can say their clothes may have more variety and abit prettier but come on…. the price is too much for me lah. Wat for I pay for that mayb 30% of difference…sigh…Far East seems to be a more welcoming place to me….visited the Long John Silver again which I had my first and last meal with my Crush last time….sigh…all the memories

at night met bro again at borders starbucks then head home together with fren.. bro brought me to have supper at the “ famous” Macpherson Hawker. We order some WUXIANG….those type with season egg and fried stuff…their “ LIAO” aka ingredients quite special. For eg, they have the homemade sausages with lean meat. The “ dyed” sotong, the prawn WUXIANG. No food picture over here….haven developed the habit of taking food yet (unlike someone J)


Went to DAISO the Japanese based $2 shop at IMM. ( they have branches at Plaza Sing, Vivo City and I think tampines) but IMM is still the biggest branch….bought some household stuff & stationery and head home. It was my famous hangout place last time…. All the time I’ll have some new surprises..i’ll be like I didn’t know they have this ….i didn’t know they can do this….all the smart and innovative Japanese innovation ( be it stationery or juz a broom or pot)

not in Vista anymore


I left my Vista last Monday. was in a mummified position all the way to JB. when we reached jb and was about to leave after dinner....the steering lock refuse to let go ( too effective) after much fuss (1 hr ++), dad's friend brought a electric saw to break the metal bar. but the locksmith has already arrived....he requested for his car fuel of travelling here since we don't need him anymore. so.... (the opening lock fee =RM 150) dad gave him RM 50....such easy money to earn for him.....sigh.

Now, i'm lazing around at home. Yesterday i juz settled a cat fight between my dogs. drag the dogs to have cold water therapy... suffer the risk of their misbite. This morning mom drag me from my cosy bed at 8am, drop me at pasar and i have to walk back myself....that's how is life back in hometown. A normal day is sleeping at 12am, waking at 11am, breakfast and newspaper, computer for a while and it's lunch, the rest of the day depends...may jog,shop,feed my dogs,online. I hope to draw out a plan now for my life in australia. so need to really pack everything nicely and makesure nothing is amiss. scouting for a good luggage bag now. there are so many clothes good to buy and i don't know what to buy.... (confused). recent conquest is Pierre Cardin Bxx.they are cheap, good fit and juz my taste.

PS: John is a pretty good blogger for a pictures and all....can satisfy the readers hehe...but how come pictures of kitchen only :P

1 comment

John said...

Wah wat do u do at pasar? marketing? Eh u cant draw out life plan for Aus la.. u dun even know wat its goin to b like. Stay a few days 1st then only plan.



John Posted 16/1/2007 on friendster testimonial
About some Lina...

looks and act like good girl but actually very naughty! Can drink heinekken until vomit, drink wine n watch gay porn wif 4 other guys in the room, wrestling wif deva on the bed all the time... etc etc. But still always get A.

Very hyperactive but worry alot also.. but overall a very good fren! (Except dat always hv to wait 4 her downstairs at vista C for 15 mins. call hp also usually no answer) But still a good fren anyway, haha. Dont reject this testimonial cos ITS THE TRUTH!!!

After much pressure from me due to his partial comment...hehe, he changed it to

19 Jan 2007
About some Lina...

looks and act like good girl but actually very naughty! Can drink heineken until all red and vomit, watch brokeback mountain (i would say gay porn.. but its worse!!) wif 3 other guys in the room, wrestling wif deva on the bed all the time... etc etc. But still always get As.

Very hyperactive but also worries alot.. but overall a very good fren! (Except dat always hv to wait 4 her downstairs at vista C for 15 mins. call hp also usually no answer) But still a good fren anyway, haha. Dont reject this testimonial cos ITS THE TRUTH!!!


still abit untrue but i shall give it a pass

PS: it’s not the room, it’s the living room and I was not watching actually.

it's been a long time...


it's been a long time....i finally finish my exam...when to genting with friends...pack my stuff...went to take my results and now i'm finally back home....zhuo bo.... juz did my medical checkup for visa 2 days ago. shld b able to get my visa next week. :D now i'll busy setting up a new blog for my friends and i to write in.