it's the Big Day 18th March....The 75th Anniversary of The Sydney Harbour Bridge...it seems like every old and young also join this event. Angmohs juz like this kind of noisy and crowded event. the blind, the old, the young, the aborigines, the international students (like us), the passionate couples (who kissed on the bridge).etc all came together. The last time it was opened to public to walk was 5 years ago. we are kinda Lucky as we get to walk it on our first yr here.
Too bad the weather was abit cloudy so the photos appear a bit the dark.... We took the double storey train from the Railway Central through the bridge to the North Sydney where we started our walk. the walk slot was half an hour but we took 1 hr to finish it as we stopped to take lotsa photos. our walk ended with a drizzle. actually the bridge was opened fr 10am onwards to late evening. we were supposed to register but on the day even the unregistered pple oso join in the fun. Those who came ealier are given lime green cap while those came late in the evening are given bright orange cap with a cute little light bulb on top. we didn't get any as the weather was perfect....neither too hot or too dark.
There is this part of the bridge ( towards the end near the city) on the metal bar between the two concrete pillar. there are lotsa wind chime hanging there....everyone just stopped to listened to the surreal chime of the wind.
There is also this old lady on wheel chair who is treated like a bridge celebrity as she parade through as she walked the bridge when it just opened 75 yrs ago. PEOPLE JUZ LUV TO TAKE PHOTOS WITH HER.
I am doin fine in the hospital....so far so good. everyday juz attend tutorials and floating around to look for potential patients for my presentation and assignment. It's like a fight for patients in hospital among the year 4, year 6, the residents/registrars who have to do exams too. the patients with " Good PRESENTATION" will be so burnt out and fed up at the end of day....( especially they juz had operation or under some treatment). everyone juz repeat the same old questions eg. " so do u have any pain & what kind of pain is it?" which they have to answer so many times. i have this weird idea....why don't they just print out those details and paste it infront of their bed. BINGO!!! that will do everyone good!
so my case for this week is a lady who juz had a right hemicolectomy who refused to ans further qn and my potential assignment pt is one with Liver Cancer due to Hep B/C scarring who luckily is a pleasant dude who can speak clearly and answer most of my qn. i even got his email to keep in touch. THanks for recommendation fr Dr D. Mark ( one of our tutorial teacher in the clinical sch) whom i juz randomly bump into one morning during his clinic time. (hehe...he seems like the kind of casual dude who trying to play a lil' cheat and get away with the DRESS CODES RULES like us in IMU by wearing dark color jeans. Just Kiddin :D)
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