Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Army Barracks Posting

Ready for action: TAG-E soldiers in full ks. Photos by AB David McMahon
TAG-E Soldiers in Full Kit at Holsworthy Barracks

WHY ? WHY? WHY am I posted to such a DISTANT PLACE for my Society & Health Course in 2 weeks time JUZ TO LOOK at MACHO GUYS?!!!! I want my beauty sleep, I want my precious time, I want my money (travel cost) back!

ANYONE CAN TELL me what can I do in the train of 2 HOURS JOURNEY to and fro? I am only used to sleeping in public transport….. -_-

1st Health Support Battalion
Holsworthy Barracks

“Holsworthy Barracks is located in the outer south-western Sydney suburb of Holsworthy. It is part of the Holsworthy military reserve, which has been a training area and artillery range for the Australian Army since World War I. Following World War II it became a major base for the permanent component of the Australian Army in New South Wales. Following the movement of many units of the Regular Army to Darwin in the late 1990s many Army Reserve units were moved from other depots to Holsworthy Barracks, including the Headquarters of the 5th Brigade.

Holsworthy Barracks is the current home to 17 Signals Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (4RAR) and the 171st Aviation Squadron.”

This is the place where I will be posted to for 2months and 3 days each week 9am-5pm. I GUESS the thing that keeps me motivated will be MACHO ARMY GUYS.:P ( at least I thought so)

1 comment:

Imel said...

More interesting than being posted to rehab and geriatrics..and my place is no where nearer than yours.Imagine being sweep off by those strong muscular arms! Haha..who knows one day I see u bringing a soldier back home for dinner =p