Saturday, September 15, 2007

Touch & Gender

this is gonna be the sportiest post in the whole year.....

PHew...just came back from the Sydney Intervarsity Med students Sports game : UNSW, Uni sydney, UWS, Uni Newcastle. i'm CHAOTA (BURNED) now after months of hibernation .... dear fair complexion where have u gone....

now that i can officially announce that i Like playing TOUCH!!!!
it's kinda weird....but i really enjoyed the game today...though i'm not a performer...i did surprise myself that i still remember how to play it after 4 solid years of neglect.... well...i think it's something like riding the bicycle... u learnt it u know it

why i only like it now? this is because the game was so relaxing and casual today. and best of all, we won!!! making UNSW the overall champ as well. i used to have a tinge of dislike to it 4 years ago...prolly becuz i played it under competitive condition.... i don't like the stress of competition....thus it has a negative impact on the sport itself. i still remember Karen will only choose the team up to the very last training before the comp.... how evil was that?!!!! but i have to admit that she's a good coach...kinda miss her though.....luckily all the "sufferings" have a good ending...

We won the nationals under 18 Girls touch Champion against NJ i !!!...that was 2003
i still remember that nasty fatty pui pui old NJ male coach compared to our young, pretty, toned, charming Karen :P
truthfully speaking, i m not the most agile,fastest star player but i did contribute by standing at the side line and cheer ok!!! >_< * sorry don' t have pic as that was the era when digicameras were still not so in yet.
it's getting big in spore but not yet msia...

i remember the start of our touch team, it's like the reject club of all other sports..
we were rejects of netball, basketball, baseball, track .etc
it's so competitive that the college will absorb (book) the players way b4 they graduated from secondary school thus any newcomers will have little chance to stand unless he/she is truly very good. as for me....i was from Computer Club with no sports background.... so Touch is the most welcoming sports at the time.

we were all NOOB when we started out as a team. people left people came.
it's like a game of in born talent as well....hard training can be useful but latecomers can outperform the old players too.

we always started our warming up by playing the amateur form of "ultimate frisbee"
as i only realise how amateur we were after i watch how the unsw ultimate frisbee play their game (gonna join the fun this thurs holiday)

then do many drills. before we played the game.
we are always drilled all the way to the end as we don't have many players thus little subs
Karen will always ref, " scolding" us along the way....

sometimes we will have friendlies with other sch eg. with the hc rugby guys team
though they are physically faster but they always kena bullied by us as they don't know the game well..... it's so jialat and run down that they close down the rugby club as not much pple play rugby in our sch... but touch team fluorished.....

Once again...i'm glad that i come to i get to play netball, touch, frisbee...
unlike back in msia, i can only play netball.... actually it's not much about playin it myself, rather it's about getting to see the sport and be close to it....

i wonder wat's Touch Rugby called in Chinese
动 橄榄球 or 摸 橄榄球 or 塔尺橄榄球
haha will have to wait till one day it gets popular in Taiwan or China
and see how they translate it....hope it is not as crappy as the ones i mentioned above. :P

i remember it took me some effort to get Male netball to be approved in IMU Cup 2006 it was hard to get the guys from all batches to learn and train for it....luckily our batch guys were all so supportive... and their effort paid off with the trophy (that's why we are the legacy for batch of excellence). Thanks all :D

hopefully it is still on for this IMU CUP 2007 * finger cross* i don't want my proposal to go all the way down the drain... : (

it's such a vast difference....over here in OZ...
they have mixed/male netball, mixed/male touch (during my time, touch was still a sports club limited to gals in Spore). i even see guys wear the pleated white skirt over shorts or gay shorts to play netball. obviously they did it juz for the fun of it....

Actually back in malaysia, male netball is blooming too.....i was exposed to it when we went for 15th penang USM tournament 2005. i am convinced that it is not a sissified game....guys who play netball are CUTE!!!! (tho some of them are naturally sissy, but damn they are such good players....RESPECT!!!!) but it is still limited mostly to the malay Population in malaysia.
haha....sorry i looked too cheeky in this photo as i was too excited by the fact that man can actually play netball LOL
Cute Backview

It was definitely unforgettable for some of us - the times when we trained with Kak Zara All Male Team. i was impressed by some of them during USM, never tot that we have the chance to play with them one year after that. they are a amusing and interesting bunch. the "sisified" vs our "macho" boys.our boys were certainly petrified at some moment... but they learnt lots from also teaches our boys a lesson of sportmanship... regardless of who your opponent is ...on the field, skills is the RESPECT factor. Hope you guys are doin well in every aspects of your life now.
i will end this sporty post with some more pix.

This was the mixed intrabatch netball competition 2006 which i put in line b4 IMU cup as a orientation for the IMU Cup Male Netball

cute back and side view again....

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