Saturday, May 24, 2008


ACUTE on Chronic Stress/Anxiety

1.constant(non-stop) involuntary twitching left lower eye lid for 1 month
disappear when smile or squint. was quite conscious about it when talking to people but am getting used to it. still has occasional twitches now and then.

2. poor sleep quality interrupted by meaningless dream
Meaningless dream is like you even know the dream is so meaningless when you are dreaming *_* stuff so stupid that i wldn't do in real life.................... -_- so frustrated in the dream cuz i know the dream is goin to make me tired the next day....

3.lack of voluntary control once asleep. IN THE PUBLIC
e.g. 1 farted when sleeping in libary.(ppt by eating too much mandarin) forced to wake up to prevent any further embarrassment
e.g. 2 Loud burp when falling asleep in conference. had a good free lunch before that.
e.g. 3 snorted when falling asleep in grandround. wake up on the first sound i made. realise that the reg sitting beside me look at at me. pretended that i'm awake and it's not a snore.

4. distal interphalengeal joint pain

5. Don't feel like going for netball

6. Start to drink Mocca/Latte when you don't enjoy the taste at all but just like the after effect.
6. Cute guys are no longer that cute anymore... >_<.

I figure the stress come from many things
the students
the doctors
the supervisors
the learning plan - this is the major culprit!!!!
the QUM assignment

all these means i NEED a break from the Hospital and the other people.....i need to go SOLO. and meet new people....

That is why GP rotation is just nice for me :D

The people in my GP medcical clinic are very nice. the only down side is that it is in Hurstville (have to travel) and also it is VERY VERY busy...meaning less teaching time and less time for me to interview patients myself. average waiting time is 3-4 hours.....
VERY VERY BUSY is equivalent to McD with Q and people hanging around waiting for their food.

Trivial stuff about myself
i have scoliotic spine
i have huge nasal polyp which develop insidiously.i'm actually surprise how well my body compensates and i'm still able to breath through my nostril.

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